DIY Leather Strap Hanging Planter

By Mandi 10/16/2014

Hey guys!! I have a SUPER fun and simple tutorial ! Leather Strap Planters for my budding cactus garden (I have a serious problem with cute cacti).

Leather Strap Hanging Planter Tutorial vintagerevivals

To make these planters you will need:

A vessel, bowl, or vase of your choosing

4 pieces of Leather Cording that is the length that you want your planter to hang (or leather that you can cut into cords) *they sell bags of leather scrap at craft stores with cords in them!

Small piece of Leather


Start by cutting out small square donuts from your leather. You will need 3 per planter.

Leather Strap Hanging Planter


Next take 3 pieces of your leather cord and tie a knot at the bottom. These cords will be known as the vertical cords.

Leather Strap Hanging Planter


Near the bottom of your cords (maybe about 4 inches from the knot) hold a leather square behind the cord.

Leather Strap Hanging Planter


Take your last piece of cording (this will be known as the horizontal cord) and thread it underneath the leather, through the hole, over the first piece of cording, and back through the hole. See the picture below? The horizontal cord is holding the entire thing together.

Leather Strap Hanging Planter


Repeat 2 more times. Place your planter inside the vertical cords, resting on the knot. Adjust the vertical cords so that they are evenly spaced and tie a knot in your horizontal cord. (It is really easy to slide the squares up and down to make them level)

Leather Strap Hanging Planter

Leather Strap Hanging Planter

Trim your knot if you want (or leave it, because that is adorable as well.)  Tie all of the vertical cords together and you are ready to hang it!


Leather Strap Hanging Planter

Leather Strap Hanging Planter

Leather Strap Hanging Planter


Such a fun 15 minute project right?!


15 thoughts on “DIY Leather Strap Hanging Planter”

  1. I have three empty fish bowls, previously to our dining table centerpiece, that I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with (leftover from my thesis!). With a lack of horizontal display places, this is perfect!

  2. I am always so in love with you leather and planter combos. My one question is… where/how do you hang these? Are you putting a hook into the ceiling? I live in a rental that is from the 1920’s and the is ceiling plaster… so don’t wanna mess with that! Any tips for how else I could hang these beauties? Thanks!!

  3. I would like to know how you hang these from the ceiling! Do you just screw in multiple hooks? My ceilings are very old; it’s wicker with plaster over it and I’m very hesistant to make multiple holes so these ‘hanging planter’ tutorials are kind of lost on me.

    1. So the way that I would hang these is in one big cascading cluster on one hook, but it doesn’t have to be from the ceiling, it could totally be on the wall too!


  4. Love these, simple but classy.
    In fact I love all the planters on VR, of which there are many.
    But, how do you hang them?

    1. Hey Laura! Usually I have a hook that comes out of the wall or the ceiling, but I have a special place for these ones that will hopefully be on the blog this week…if I can get away from the computer and get to work!


  5. This is something I could totally do ! I wonder if it would work with some freaky wine glasses ? Super cute 😉 A x

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