How To Save A Ton When Making Your Own Pillows

By Mandi 12/07/2011

I love making my own pillows. It is so much easier to find fabric to customize my own than to find the perfect pillow at a store. And not only that but how about the price of store bought pillows? Sheesh.

So I am going to let you in on one of my favorite secrets. No one in St. George where I live is allowed to do this though, got it?

The best kind of pillow inserts are obviously Down. They are so much fuller and you can chop them. (Are you a chopper?)

Cheap Pillow Inserts


Down inserts from a fabric store will run you around $20.00 a piece, which is a sucky price when you want to save money.

So here is the secret.

Head to your local Homegoods, TJ Maxx or Ross and look for the pillows that are on clearance. Yes, they are probably ugly. (You should have seen this girl giving me looks like I was crazy when I was buying these.)

Cheap Pillow Insert


As long as the cover is removable you just worked the system a little. Congrats my friend!

I got 3 down pillows for $21.00.

Discounted Pillow Inserts


Love Your Guts

21 thoughts on “How To Save A Ton When Making Your Own Pillows”

  1. This is probably a dumb question, but I’m new at this kind of stuff. How do you know that they are down?? Does it tell you on the tag or do you just know how it feels when they are down??

  2. Great tip! I’ve been buying the down inserts from IKEA, but it’s 2 hours away from me and I think theirs run about $8.99 a piece (still not a bad price all things considered!)

  3. I do this too!
    I have also bought 2 of the long body pillows when they were on clearance for $6 and cut them into thirds and resewed them up. Then used my own fabric to make covers. 6 pillows for $12!!!

  4. I do the same thing!! My husband looks at the pillows and says, those are SO UGLY!
    And then I magically transform them into pillow awesomeness!

  5. OOOHHH, good idea! I don’t live anywhere near you, so I’m doing this!! hahaha. Now, I just need to learn how to work a sewing machine.

  6. Mandi, I have done that same thing for years. Another thing I do is buy down feather pillows at Walmart and cut them up. A king size pillow at 10 bucks gives me three pillows.

  7. Me too Me too In fact I don’t sew but I happened across 4 King size down Pillows at our Home-sense (Canada) Had my MIL sew down the Middle I ended up with 4 cushions 2 new pillows for the bed.

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