Today’s To Do List…

By Mandi 11/29/2011

Hey hey!

So I am crazy project mode right now. You know like when you wear the same clothes for 2 days and your kids live on cereal and quesadillas from Durango’s?

Ya, that is my life for the next week.

So do you want to see a hint of what I am working on?







So…what do you think? Can you guess what I am doing today?

Love Your Guts

17 thoughts on “Today’s To Do List…”

  1. Ok, you will be painting the ceiling, installing new lighting and painting a bike. Good luck!!!
    Cant wait to see the final project.

  2. You are going to mount the bike to the ceiling and make it a light fixture… BAHAHAHA kidding but I so wouldn’t put it past you, you have skills. Have fun. jen

  3. Jen took the words right outta my mouth. You’re gonna hang that dang cute bike from the ceiling!!! Whatever it is, you’ll rock it! Heeehee!!

  4. I’m going to guess that she’s seen some of the same cool light fixtures made from vintage bikes that I’ve seen 😉

  5. I told you I’d come help but if ya wanna do it yourself…then…I guess your neck will be the only sore one. I would have sacrificed for you ya know. I can’t wait to see it all done.

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