Just A Little Moment of Honesty

By Mandi 08/14/2014

Ok, so maybe that post title is a little dramatic. But you guys. I am feeling a little stressed and would love to air all of the laundry that I have piled up. If that is ok?

Blogging room makeovers in Real Time is sort of hard for me. Some of you may remember my Master Bedroom that stopped cold turkey? (this is where we left off)

Color Blocked Vintage Wicker Headboard Project vintagerevivals.com

Well, I didn’t just stop blogging it, I stopped working on it. I just didn’t love the direction that it was going and had a few other projects that were pulling me away. So I painted the wall white and gave the headboard a coat of navy spray paint and haven’t worried about it again. It has become a makeshift studio for shooting projects on a blank background. (So I guess that I am *technically still real timing it, since I have done nothing.)  I haven’t shot it, but you can see what it looks like from the BHG shoot for DIY Magazine and Flea Market Style.

DIY Magazine Vintage Revivals

I have a sense of security working on a room behind the scenes and then showing you the process after. Sometimes (um..every time) it gets a little hairy. I tend to be more of a doer than a planner. If I think that a paint color is going to be awesome, then I try it. If I hate it then I repaint it. You guys see glimpses of it (like here and here) but I have the after to show you how great it turned out and that makes it ok. Like there is a method to the madness, but to be honest, sometimes the method is try everything until you find something that you love.

For this reason (and a few others) the Nugget is giving me extra stress.

Maybe because its a one time deal? If I can’t use all of the ideas that I have in a room, its ok because there will always be another room. But there will not always be another Nugget. I want it to be phenomenal.

The other problem that I am having is that I feel like this little trailer is a great opportunity to really let the whimsy and retro kitsch out of the bag. I mean, it is totally acceptable canvas to be fun and a little over the top. But it is such a teensy space that it can take a severe left turn and not stop until it reaches Candyland and Gloppy the Molasses Monster.

This amazing picture from Inaluxe is the perfect Retro Desert vibe that I am going for.



The last bit of blockage is coming from lack of fear which sort of sounds like an oxymoron. When I talk about fearless DIY it is in a no-idea-is-too-crazy kind of way. Just try something with reckless abandon and see how it turns out. I keep finding myself stuck in this rut that used to be fearless but isn’t anymore.

Anyways, thanks for listening. Talking through what is giving me clogged creative arteries seems to be the only thing that helps and I just want you to know that you are not alone if you ever feel like you are over thinking a room to the point of match searching (so you can light it on fire).

Love Your Guts

45 thoughts on “Just A Little Moment of Honesty”

  1. Mandi- I completely FEEL YA! This past year we’ve done over 35 room makeovers for other people on our show, and those feel easy peasy. Get in, get out, voila…. But, I’m doing a full apartment right now and it will be ours to own and I’m completely stuck! I’ve repainted walls multiple times, one floor was re-done 3x in 2 weeks… When it’s for me and I need to love it and be able to live with it and think it’s epic, well… I freeze up. I’ve done about ten small diy projects this week and not one of them was for the apartment that is just waiting to be finished… SO, I have no answers for ya, just that I can relate. I know the Nugget will be amazing- just keep at it! -Mon

    1. Mon, I can’t even image! You are amazing and I can’t wait to see how the apartment turns out!! xo

  2. Your room is GORGEOUS. wow! I’m so in love.

    Just take a breather. Step away to let your creative juices replenish. It’s so hard to create something for yourself, I know!

  3. Hey, you’ll get it. Everyone goes through ups and downs. It’s completely normal! You’ve been doing all this crazy amazing stuff and just keep taking on bigger and bigger projects. I’m not saying that you can’t do it. Quite the contrary! We’re all human and having fears and doubts are part of that. 🙂

  4. I love this glimpse of humanity!! I think if there is never any creative blockage of some kind, than maybe it’s all sort of forced and not really that natural? I don’t know. But all I do know, is that you are a superwoman, and even superheros have off-moments. So give yourself a little break and take a moment to realize that you’ve already accomplished like, a million times over what most of us will in a normal lifespan. 😉 Keep up the awesome work!

  5. Mandi, your bedroom is beautiful! Where did you get that pink rug??? I’ve been looking for one like that for forever!!

    1. I’ve seen those overdyed carpets on overstock.com and homedecorators.com. I might have seen them on other rug websites too.

  6. Sweetie, THIS is the reason why I’m such a big fan of yours: because you don’t make it seem efortless, but you make it seem *achievable*! I’m totally inspired every time I read your blog, and I drool over your gorgeous living room at least twice a day as I try to do my own.

    Keep being awesome! *hugs*

  7. Honestly, I like the new bedroom look SO MUCH MORE! I always get this sort of creative block when it comes to my artwork. Once I stop hating something I stop working on it because I know its that easy to ruin it again. I trust you that the Nugget will turn out just PERFECT!

  8. Have I mentioned I love EVERYTHING you do?! I so enjoy your blog! And I own that Inaluxe print and have it in my dining room, it’s so gorgeous I find myself staring at it often!!! Thank you for your lovely design and blog!!!! : )

  9. My creative process feels very similar to yours so I really appreciate when you share that things are unfinished or take a different turn, etc. I know a lot of people are the same, but blogging world can tend to make things look like a clean/linear process. Thanks for sharing, it’s encouraging and real!!!

  10. not only do i LOVE the new bedroom so much more, it actually helped me get over a creative block i was having during a recent house stage. we wanted to use a peacock headboard, but couldn’t figure out the right color. we thought about color-blocking, based on your first revival, but it wasn’t right for the house. then, i glimpsed a tiny bit of navy in one of the photos you posted with your new dog. and we knew — navy was it. it’s amazing. and perfect. and all because of you & your fabulous creative process. thank you! (i’m going to try to post it to instagram w a #VR, but not sure i know how…). 🙂

  11. I love seeing DIYs in progress and hearing from their creator why something didn’t work for them and what they tried instead. I feel like I’m learning along with the blogger. Hopefully that’s a little encouraging for you. 🙂

  12. I have paint swatches painted on my bathroom wall that have been there for oh, at least 3 years!! 😮 Bwhaaaaaaaaa!!! 😀

  13. It’s going to be phenomenal. Just know that. I know it’s all crazy and confusing right now. That’s how I feel about our…whole house…so, yeah. I feel your pain. But you are still fearless. It’ll work itself out and nobody will judge you if you find things you want to redo. Personally, I’m in love with the navy on your headboard and the gold trunk as your nightstand. 🙂 Keep on keepin’ on. 🙂

  14. Whatever you do will be amaze-balls! You are so uber-talented. Take a one day break (if you can) for a breather, then re-group and come back with both guns blazing. I am loving seeing everything as you work on it. Good luck, you mojo will hit soon, I just know it.

  15. Totally totally get it Mandy. Im a “dive right in and if it doesnt go so well ill start over” kinda designer too. I can imagine how you’re being pulled in many directions with the Nugget, but I just KNOW youre a-ha moment is gonna be epic and so is the space:)

  16. Give yourself a break! We have no expectations, no time table for you and your creations. I like to be able to piddle a little here and a little there. Sometimes I think of one thing that will look great in a space, but I don’t have the rest of the picture in mind yet. So, I do the one part that I’m sure will look great and wait until the inspiration hits and then go back to that room. Meantime, I might get two more small projects completed. My husband and I laugh and say we’re using the 20 year plan to get our home the way we want it. So, love and do your little nugget. We always love what you’ve got to show us no matter what it is.

  17. We creative types all hit the self doubt gym once in awhile! we fly around each piece touching it not touching it, climbing all around in our brains like a treadmill that gets stuck on high intensity interval training mode. When that happens to me ( more often than not) I tell my freaked out self to Just KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. Then the peace comes. Instead of over-thinking every aspect, I start with the simplest of things: cleaning. For some reason cleaning something is just so super mundane, it must help to simultaneously clear the cobwebs of fret and anxiety and begin to let the sunlight in again…good luck Mandi…now go scrub a tub! LOL

  18. I too love your honesty! This is the “real” world of the creative process and I, personally, enjoy seeing that part of it too – not just the “instant” pretty. That’s why I don’t watch diy or decorating shows on TV anymore they skip over the interesting parts in my opinion. I want to see the how and why – the messy parts!
    I also can totally relate to exactly how you feel about the Nugget – I have one of my own too (called Galavantin’ Gal) that I’m working on. I equate it to moving into a new house – decorating it takes time. Your artwork inspiration is the palette I started with and love and wasn’t sure it was all working together – this has inspired me to continue on – and get out of neutral (neutral colors that is!) Thanks for writing you heart out, you inspire us in all ways.

  19. Mandi – thank you for being honest, that’s why we love you! 🙂 And I must say – I love both versions of your master. And that inspiration image… yes. yes. yes.

  20. Seriously? Mandi, You are “on” so much it’s a wonder you don’t flame out. Everyone has moments of doubt but then you pile on the sheer multitude of stuff you have going on and add to that the glaring public eye… If it isn’t working for ya turn away for awhile and come back with a fresh perspective. Or throw out a question to your fans. I can guarantee everyone here would love to lend a hand. It’s all good, girl, take a load of that pressure of of yourself and free up your brain. P.S. We all love your honesty and let it all hang out attitude. Makes you real. When bloggers get too “look at all my perfect life and amazing abilities” I am out. My life is great but not perfect and I don’t need somebody’s perfect pie shoved in my face to make me feel even worse about things that aren’t going right. Just sayin’ you got it right.

  21. Love, love, love the wicker headboard painted dark against the white walls. I want it!

  22. Hi,
    We all feel the loss of creativity sometimes.
    I find if I switch things up: move furniture, get a haircut, learn something new, sit in a hammock and watch clouds for a while, the “pressure” to be creative disapiates and the ideas begin to flow.
    Sometimes you’re in a season of non-productivity so you can re-wire, re-work and start off in a new direction.
    We don’t love you any less because you don’t have a shiny new something everyday.
    Creative ideas do not grow on trees.
    Ask anybody who’s ever posted something awesome on a blog or Pinterest. Ideas take time to percolate and sometimes that “aha” comes from an apple falling on your head when you’re sitting under a tree.

  23. Mandi, I admire your fearlessness and the support you give yourself when you change your mind because a room just doesn’t feel right. And I love the (apparent, because it looks easy, but we all know it’s not…) simplicity of the now blue headboard and white wall. (That headboard is so great!) Seems like my house gets full up of all the ideas in my head and I have a hard time simplifying [the ideas] because I want to use them all! Thanks for sharing – Somehow I feel less stuck, too…at least, ready to try again! 🙂

  24. Really love the navy wicker against the white wall. I felt disloyal somehow not liking the other version. As far as creating a huge sensation with your Nugget makeover – just do what you and your family would love. That in itself will be beautiful.

  25. In my grad architecture design studio, we ask our peers to come listen to us while we talk through a problem. 99% of the time the listener doesn’t offer a solution because the talker just needs a sounding board and is able to work through it verbally. I get you.

  26. Totally get this on all counts. I am a jump right in, no plans, just do it kind of girl too (that is why I now have a whole wardrobe of painting clothes.) But if it is a project that will be really expensive or can’t be changed once it is done it is hard for me to commit. These are the times I find it best to just let it go for a while and start thinking about something else, that is usually when inspiration hits me. Your inspiration will come and the Nugget will be beautiful ( love your color inspiration by the way) all in good time.

  27. I like your bedroom way better in that magazine photo shoot. Leave it there and just style it a bit. Do a post where you show us your bedroom in the current paint with a few touches and call it finished.

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