Amy’s Guest Room Source List!

By Mandi | 10/11/2017 | 3 Comments

Hey hey!! I’m back today with all the delicious details of the guest room makeover I did for my sister Amy! Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I wish there was more DIY involved, but this was done totally weekend warrior style so while there is some, a lot of it can be sourced (which is great if you’re not that into DIY.)

Thursday Walk Through Nº2 | Sept. 25

By Mandi | 09/28/2017 | 10 Comments

Hey guys!!

So as I’ve been trying to figure out how to keep you updated on the real time progress of the Merc, I’ve been playing around with a few ideas, let me know what you think! Things are moving really really fast and I feel like I’m scrambling to keep up with the posts, plus throwing video in a whole new ballgame, THANK YOU for being so patient with me as I fumble through and try to wrap my head around what the best approach is. One idea that I had was to do a Thursday walk through. Every Thursday I can share what the Merc looks like this week, sort of an overview, and then dive into the more detailed posts and videos. The crazy thing is, I shot this video first thing Monday morning and had to run errands, when I made it back to do pictures later that day SO MUCH had already changed!! So, those of you that are saying you’re missing the regular posting and don’t love videos, I hear you, the next one will have pictures to go in the post, and the video for those that want an actual walk through. (You can see our first walk through here!)

YOU GUYS ARE THE FREAKING BEST. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following along and caring about the Merc as much as we do!! I’m off to make sure that the wall they’re putting on today is right!!


The Bathroom Fixture Choice That Surprised Even Me

By Mandi | 09/26/2017 | 4 Comments

Hey hey!! Guys are you ready to start talking about fun design stuff?! Sheesh, I’ve been writing this post for a month but my attention keeps getting diverted to things like drywall and framing. BUT NO MORE! Lets talk about our plumbing fixtures cause getting them is at the top of my “Most Exciting Merc Events!”

Going into this reno I felt like I was going to be walking this line between historic and modern, you guys know I love a good juxtaposition, but the further I get into it and the more the Merc spirit gets into my soul I just feel like the ultra modern isn’t right. Trust me when I say that I’ve spend many nights over the last year combing through design details and deciding how I want it to feel when you’re there.