FREE Goodies For Everyone!!!

By Mandi | 04/14/2017 | 3 Comments

Guys. I’ve got some freaking exciting news. Ok, raise your hand if you love free stuff. (I mean, everyone’s hand should be up because freeeee.)

I’ve partnered up with Grove Collaborative to bring you guys an EXCLUSIVE FREE Vintage Revivals Bundle!!! Dudes. This is huge. They only do gift bundles 3x a year and are making this bonus one happen just for us!! WHAT!?!

Exterior Elevation Plans for The Merc

By Mandi | 04/13/2017 | 28 Comments

Hey guys!!

K, there is just so much to share with all of these plans that we have happening, I’ve got 5 different posts in various stages of explanation, but I think if we start with the exterior elevation that might be the easiest way to have reference points for the interior space.

Right now the exterior can be described in 1 word- forgotten. If you didn’t know The Merc existed, you wouldn’t notice it driving down the road. Its just this giant beige nothingness. Except for the faux rock that is painted on the front. That’s the only memorable thing, cause its so bad.

Despite It All, Why We Chose To Buy The Merc

By Mandi | 04/12/2017 | 9 Comments

Hey guys!! Ok, I feel like I’ve done a pretty great job outlining all of the reasons why we shouldn’t buy the Merc, I guess I want to reassure everyone that might think we’re nuts, that while we are nuts, we are going into this with our eyes wide open. We know the issues, the hurdles, and all of the reasons we could easily walk away. So with the con’s list SO LONG why did we decided to jump in?

The day I got home from the very first visit to the Merc, I walked into our house and I saw it differently. It was like everything that I loved about it and was trying to achieve was a new polished up version of what I really wanted. Everything from bricking the walls in our living room, to the wood accents in our entryway.

Drowning In Home Design Ideas?

By Mandi | 04/10/2017 | 4 Comments

Raise your hand if you have a whole slew of Pinterest boards chock-full of what your dream house is going to look like. Keep your hand raised if you have no idea how to actually achieve that look.

Now take that hand that’s still in the air and softly pat your cheek, repeating the words, “It’s going to be OK. Mandi is going to help me.”

DIY Bird Feeder (You Won’t Believe What This Is Made From!)

By Mandi | 04/07/2017 | 12 Comments

Happy Earth Month!! To celebrate all things recycling and up-cycling I’ve teamed up with Aveeno to share an absolutely adorable way to reuse an empty bottle and turn it into a hanging bird feeder! The goal with up-cycling is to not make it look like you up-cycled right? I think we totally achieved our goal with this bird feeder!

The Thrilling and Wondrous World of Easements

By Mandi | 04/06/2017 | 74 Comments

Oh guys, I remember the first time I toured the Merc. It was so cute. After we walked through the building we went into the backyard and I thought, “WOW, look at all of this property! It’s a dream!” *Sigh* I was so young and naive.

When my real estate agent told me that everything the light touches is in fact NOT my property I was a little bummed. But I thought, its ok we don’t need that part, we can just put a wall up here, tear out the parking lot there, and voila! a yard.

Still so young, and still so naive.

All Of the Reasons We Shouldn’t Buy The Merc- According To Court

By Mandi | 04/04/2017 | 7 Comments

In an earlier post about The Merc, I mentioned living with rose colored eyeballs. Court coined the term because it is impossible for my rosy outlook on life to leave. These aren’t just glasses folks, these suckers are permanent. I can’t help but look at the bright side of things in every situation. Probably to my detriment, but its just who I am!! I knew instantly that I loved The Merc, and that it was meant for me. Court is a normal person with a normal way of approaching things. He likes to talk about the negatives, I think its because he thinks that I don’t recognize them. I do, I can see them, but they just don’t matter to me as much as the pro’s do. 😉