Rock What Ya Got Bathroom Makeover: Cabinet, Mirror, and Lights

By Mandi | 07/14/2016 | 28 Comments

Hey friend! Man its been a minute since we chatted about the bathroom makeover. Its like every time I go to take pictures of it, I am either in my underwear (mirror), Mr. Brem starts needing something, or its not clean. Or what is most likely is a combo of all 3.

Now you know whets in store for you if you show up at my house unexpectedly…consider yourself warned!

Bathroom Makeover-1

We last left off with the v-plank wall treatment (you can find all of the posts in this series linked below!) We are doing this thing on a hardcore budget and the vanity was no good. So we grabbed a simple Hemnes vanity/sink combo from IKEA and spruced it up on our own. I feel like living so far from an IKEA takes it out of my mind mentally and I forget that they have freakin’ awesome stuff and the prices are killer. Luckily they just opened one in Vegas so…#ikeae’ryday.

Rock What Ya Got Budget Bathroom Makeover-9

I was pretty concerned about snow blindness in the room because white tile, white plumbing fixtures, white walls, all the things are white. Luckily there was a super easy fix to bring some life into the space, swapping out the white drawer fronts for wood.

Budget Bathroom Makeover Cabinet-3

This is a SUPER simple DIY if you have a table saw, if you don’t then you might want to check out SemiHandmade  they sell replacement fronts for IKEA furniture.

To make these drawers, we used the originals as a template for the size and hole placement.

Rock What Ya Got Budget Bathroom Makeover-11

My one major tip if you are doing this is to clamp everything together before you start drilling because 1 little shift can throw the entire thing into the crapper.

Budget Bathroom Makeover Cabinet-8


From the word go I knew I wanted a round mirror approximately the size of my reflector.

Rock What Ya Got Budget Bathroom Makeover-3


The best one that I found just so happened to be from (you guessed it) IKEA. It was $99 and the perfect size!

Budget Bathroom Makeover Cabinet-2

I need to still find hardware for the drawers, but I’m having a hard time finding something that I love that doesn’t stick out too far. I’m thinking of making something with leather (of course) but I don’t know if that’s gross, cause you cant really clean leather…what are your thoughts?






dont miss any of this series

3 Things They Don’t Tell You Will Cost Your Soul When Remodeling A House

By Mandi | 07/13/2016 | 29 Comments


Hey y’all, this is Sarah Smith and I’m back (if you missed last week’s intro post, check it out here)! See, I get to say y’all even though I live in Wisconsin because originally, I hail from Kansas City (Missouri not Kansas and yes, there’s a difference) and although we’re very midwestern, and will never claim to be southern, there’s this weird rash of folks who “warsh” their clothes when they’re dirty and carry that southern dialect a little further north than you’d expect. Which, is obviously fabulous and super sexy when mixed with Wisconsin’s tendencies to confuse their vowel sounds. Example: “Let me put on my boooooooots so I can help you bring in your paper begs from the store.” So between adding additional consonants from my upbringing and switching up vowels in my adult years, it’s pretty safe to say that I should never be given a speaking outlet, but here I am! So hey y’all let’s get to it, eh!

I have so many stories and crazy happenings that I’m ridiculously excited to share over the coming weeks, but I felt as though before I really got started I should clarify a few things that suck about renovating an entire home and the unexpected costs as budget (or lack there of) plays a very, very large part in how we do things. Make no never mind, we are not professionals at our craft, but my DIY-guru of a husband has a solid knowledge of the basics of construction and home repair. So, luckily, things like electrical, plumbing and the demolition of walls don’t scare him. Did I mention he has dreamy blue eyes and is the hardest worker in the history of ever? Here let me show you:


Seriously guys. *swoon*



Plus as an added bonus, he also allows me to “use his body as size reference so I can remember the size of something when I get home.” I mean — make him wear the world’s largest lampshade in a store while I giggle and take pictures to post on the internet later. What? You’d totally do it too.


Now, even though I’m married to a rockstar construction guy (who has learned most of what he knows by watching others and Googling it — so don’t think you’re unable to DIY if you’re new to it), no matter how much he knows about re-framing a wall and rerunning new electrical over every. last. outlet. and. fixture. in our entire home, some things that you think might not have a heavy cost to them — will. So, today, I wanted to preface my still-to-come-crazy-misadventures with a few of the ways we get the job done along the way without skipping meals — because we’re already at ramen level here, so starvation (I mean “new weight loss plan”) is really the next step down and homegirl likes her snacks y’all! *nom nom nom*

So without further ado, I give you 3 things no one told you would cost your soul when rehabbing a home. They make it look so easy on TV. Magic numbers suddenly pop on screen and even though we’ve seen folks exhausted and dirty, they never really show where the money comes from — it just appears. Like from the tooth fairy — and we all know who pays for that! Here’s 3 things that are still crazy expensive and how we’ve worked around the expense in recent months. (spoiler alert, it involves ditching expectations and getting creative)


1. Drywall

Yes, I know it’s roughly $7-$10 a sheet. Yes, I know that isn’t that expensive. Yes, a movie ticket on a Friday night costs more than that — I know. But when you have 40 different walls and ceilings that will require, roughly (very roughly), 300 sheets of drywall, suddenly $7-10 is a legit (2 quit) expense. Sure, we watch for sales, but we’ve also tried to purchase things when stores have deep rebates so there’s money coming back and kept an eye on our town as well as surrounding cities via Craigslist for the remains of other people’s projects. Often, folks over-buy building materials and just want them out of their garage and are willing to let them go for free or at next to nothing prices. We’ve totally driven 3 hours just to pick up a trailer full of drywall for $5. $60 in gas is well worth the $500 savings!


2. Windows

For most folks, the idea of replacing every window in your home isn’t a pretty one. 9/10 it will involve a loan unless you have rockin’ savings and didn’t spend all the money on your youth on back and forth plane tickets to Alaska because you thought you were in love with a boy — but I digress. Windows, seriously folks, are crazy expensive and holy-expletive-expensive when you actually want to replace them with ones that are the same size! Crazy right? For those with savings the size of the sum total of change found in your couch cushion, there’s a few options. The most accessible for many is your local ReStore from Habitat for Humanity. They’re an excellent resource and you can find an array of windows in all different sizes. We have 10+ ReStores within a 3 hour drive from us and we make that entire 3 hour drive in all directions usually once a month. Several of our windows came from said ReStore adventures, but the majority came from a storage unit auction. That’s right, we paid $5 for 90% of the windows in our home. Were they the same size? Absolutely not, but I’ll happily make my dining room windows 7″ shorter for an $800 per window discount! Did I have dreams of thin metal framed modern windows for my modern-farm-dream-house? Sure. But I also have dreams of being Beyonce and honey, that just ain’t in the cards.


3. Trim Work

Sarah — this isn’t a photo of trim work, or anything that could even be remotely considered trim work. Yes, yes, I know! But this is a trailer full of workbenches and cabinets we pulled out of a garage in Sister Bay, Wisconsin which is up on the thumb of the mitten (Wisconsin and Michigan are both shaped like mittens and folks who live there will tell outsiders where they lived by pointing at their hand — like it makes any sense outsiders, but that’s just the way they roll). It was far and the load was heavy, but for the cost of gas and $20 in overhead money, we were able to give these pieces new homes and pay for the trim and finishing work for the entire top floor of our home. We’re talking outlets, lighting, actual wood trim and more! The small details kill ya and likewise, make all the difference in the design of your space. They can make it chunky or bulky or light and free — but no matter what zen feeling they give you, it isn’t cheap! Make sure to remember to turn to your local, or not so local Craigslist for deals you just can’t pass up to sell to someone else who didn’t want to drive 4 hours each way to get them. #hustlebaby!

So hopefully this gives you a tiny insight on how we do our work. It isn’t often we walk into a big box retailer and purchase something outright. We’re always digging and scrounging while we’re out and about to acquire the pieces we need, even if we have to adjust our construction plans to fit them. Sweat and time is less expensive than retail pricing! What items are you having a hard time finding for less? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll help source them for y’all down the road! Have you had an amazing Craigslist or ReStore steal that you couldn’t pass up? Share your treasures so we can all be jelly (sidenote: It makes me cringe when people can’t be bothered to use the entire word jealous, but then again I say y’all because that extra syllable would be too much work!).



Inspiration for An Eclectic Entryway

By Mandi | 07/11/2016 | 4 Comments

Hey friends!! Happy Monday! I’ve teamed up with Kwikset to show you a little creative inspiration for an outdoor entryway!

Creating a welcoming front door is all about decorating the area with things you love and accents that reflect style choices you’ve made inside the home. Sometimes it feels like we have to do a complete overhaul, but in reality, changing a few things on the exterior can massively up your style game.

The first place to start is your door hardware. I love pairing a sleek, modern deadbolt like the new Kwikset Uptown and Downtown locks with a contemporary lever, and adding quirky accents like cacti and a new doorbell with a little bit of humor.

Kwikset Collected Eclectic Horizontal No Text

The end result is a front door that is as welcoming as it is secure, giving your guests a great vibe before they even take their first step inside!

I cant wait to show you guys how it turned out!! Stay tuned!

What’s Happening In Waldo: The Intro

By Mandi | 07/06/2016 | 35 Comments

Have I got a treat for you guys. The internet brings the coolest people into your life. 5 years ago I “met” Sarah. She was a writer for Apartment Therapy and I was a very eager DIYer. We became fast friends and I adore her. She is absolutely fantastic.

Deep Breath. I’ve never had anyone else post on Vintage Revivals. This is uncharted territory for me, but I was talking to Sarah and listening to all of the crazy adventures (and misadventures) that they were having overhauling their new house and I just HAD to share it with the world. If only to make you laugh and feel better about the crazy DIY’s that you attempt.

What's Happening In Waldo

Just a Little Update on the Worlds Smallest DIYer

The Bremlin is 6 Months Old!?

By Mandi | 06/30/2016 | 6 Comments

Hey friends!! I’m dying over here and just have to share. Mr. Brem is 6 months old (or will be in a few days). What is it with these milestone ages that just leave you wondering WHAT THE HECK HAVE I DONE THE LAST 6 MONTHS?! Oh right, I’ve snuggled my baby and occasionally bought a new plant. That’s it! The crazy thing is that as hyper productive as I usually am, I feel completely fine with how I’ve spent my time. Not a second of time feels wasted. Its amazing!

Brem 6 months


Life Lessons Man. Sometimes They're Painful.

Lessons I Learned DIYing a Restaurant Makeover

By Mandi | 06/29/2016 | 11 Comments

Yesterday I finally showed you guys the reveal of Durango’s, our family restaurant that Court and I almost singlehandedly overhauled over the course of a year. Renovating a public space is so so different than doing something in your own home, I thought it might be fun to count the ways!

Durangos Mexican Grill Makeover-22

Cute the Mariachi Band!

Durango’s Restaurant Reveal

By Mandi | 06/27/2016 | 37 Comments

Well this is awkward. Remember like um….6 months ago when we finished up our yearlong makeover of Durango’s? Of course you don’t, cause I never told you about it. Sorry about that….If you’re a St. George local you’ve hopefully been in and enjoyed it. For the rest of the world, let me give you a tour! I feel like I also need to qualify that while it did take us a year, we were only working on Sunday afternoons because we didn’t want to close during the remodel. So. If you’re embarking on something similar just know that it will take a lifetime if you do it like we did! 😉

Durango’s is our family’s restaurant. My Father in Law opened it in 2003 and Court has been there since then too. Its sort of crazy to think, man where does the time go!? So for the last 14 years its been like this:
