Sleep Challenge Accepted

By Mandi | 04/14/2016 | 14 Comments

Johnson's 7-day Sleep Challenge  Vintage Revivals-8
Babies, am I right?

The first question people ask when you have a new baby is how are they sleeping, and the second is how are you sleeping? I swear even the strangers at Target are concerned about how many zzzzz’s the Gubler family has been catching since The Bremlin has arrived. And rightfully so. As my 12 yr old would say, “Sleep is liiiiiife.”



The 15 Minute Kitchen Table Build That ANYONE Can Do!

By Mandi | 04/13/2016 | 8 Comments

15 Minute Kitchen Table Build  Vintage Revivals-1-3

You guys know its a big deal when the title is capitalized right!? If you’re a long time reader, you might remember my love for Ben Uyeda from Homemade Modern Ben is a genius. He’s a plywood and concrete mad scientist. And he also happens to be one of the nicest people on the planet. Basically, Ben’s got a lot going for him.  His latest endeavor is the UX4 and its going to blow your mind.


So Many Ramblings, We Have To Have A Post About It!

By Mandi | 04/12/2016 | 16 Comments

HELLOOOOO! Ok so, I have a million things to talk about but none of them warrant their own post, so this is a post, Dump Salad style. (You know Dump Salad yes? When you throw all the leftover veggies in your fridge into one bowl and have a salad about it?)

I finally have an air date for season 2 of Fearless DIY!! Mark your calendars for May 14th!! We shot it Aug/Sept of last year and I have been sitting on the most amazing projects that I am DYING to share!! There might be a tutorial for the headboard that you see in all of Brem’s instagram pictures…


Also you know these shelves? 


Wink wink.

Oh, and you know the light in The Nugget? Imagine how great a monstrous version would be…


Clearly vague enough? Good.


I have a tutorial coming tomorrow for a table that I built in literally 15 minutes. My friend Ben Uyueda has a Kickstarter going with THE MOST MIND BLOWING brackets that you’ve ever seen. It ends in 2 days so you should check it out now, and then be even more inspired tomorrow when I show you what I did with the UX4.



Have you been following Gwen’s kitchen reno? You guys. Who knew that sage green could look so smokin? Seriously, pop over and check it out!



Lets all move to Chicago and go thrifting with Kim.  Seriously.


What are the rules in your house about your kids having social media? Iv is 12 and is DYING for an instagram. The problem that I have with it is more than her posting “bad” pictures, or creepers following her. I don’t want her to base her self-worth on how many likes and followers she has. As a grown woman who does this for my business it can be hard to not get wrapped up in all of it, I cant imagine trying to navigate the waters as a 12 yr old. But I also want her to flex her creative muscles and see what she sees in her life that maybe I’ve missed. I’d love your thoughts!

Last and most importantly, I finally get it. I get how much work it is to have a baby and do projects. Its like right when I get in my groove and making a little bit of progress the dude that stole my heart wakes up, or needs to eat, or just wants to be held. Man its good that he is so perfect.

Tour the HGTV Dream Home!

By Mandi | 04/05/2016 | 8 Comments

2016 HGTV Dream Home-18

Heyyyyyya! How is everybody?!

Last week the Bremlin and I were down right lucky. We had the chance to fly our cute butts (well, his is cute…mine not so much) to Florida to tour the 2016 HGTV Dream Home with GMC. The last few months of my pregnancy + the first few months of new babyhood has made all travel come to a halt. So when the email came into my inbox to test drive the new Acadia and tour the HGTV Dream Home I was torn because I REALLY wanted to go, but new baby. Luckily Brooke and Amy were going too and could help me with the little guy so I said yes and man am I glad!!

I’ve never been to FL before and the constant and most reoccurring thought in my mind was about gators. Everywhere that there was standing water I could just picture one of those bad dudes hanging out inside. The local news in our hotel room was full of gator talk. Are you Floridians worried that they’ll jump out and eat you?! I felt a connection with Captain Hook that I’ve never felt with any other Disney character in my life.


Chicken Little + Baby Travel

By Mandi | 03/29/2016 | 25 Comments

Oh hey friends!! Hope you had an awesome Easter/Spring Break weekend! Can we just have a heart to heart about a thing for 5 seconds? Darling bloggers, listen up.

If you are like everyone else that lives in 2016 your instagram feed was absolutely flooded with the TURN ON YOUR NOTIFICATIONS images this weekend.

Ok, seriously?!! When did we all join Chicken Little’s squad?

Is Instagram changing their algorithm? Yes. Is it the end of the world? No. Not if what you share is engaging content. But holy crap, by the mass hysteria you’d think that Instagram was out to actually destroy lives. Like there are only 5 spots in people’s feeds for the WHOLE WORLD TO SHARE.

So people see other people, successful people, posting these notification images. Panic ensues because if these successful people are turning on notifications for their stuff then 1. they know something you don’t, or 2. You have to jump on the wagon because if you don’t, yours wont stand a chance.

Lets just take a deep breath and look at this logically. Do we all know what turning on notifications means? It means they get an alert on their phone when you post. Do you really in all actuality want to interrupt people’s lives to show the world your feet on a cute tile floor? I can pretty much promise you that what I have to say is not important enough that I have to stop your life.  In all reality I think people just didn’t stop and think about what that actually means.  Rather quickly you’ll go from being people’s favorite to the top of their sh*t list for interrupting their life.  I guess the whole point of this paragraph is to say stop the madness. That is all. 

You are wonderful. People will still like you if you don’t hound them to death, they’ll see your stuff. Everything is going to be fine.

And in case you were wondering, yes I feel this strongly about herd mentality in your home. You can read all about that here. 😉

Now on to more serious business. The Bremlin and I are travelling cross country tomorrow! We’re flying to FL to tour the HGTV Dream House (pinch me!!) I’ve never travelled with a wee one and would love ALLLLL of your tips and advice. Things like travelling with breast milk, packing, baby gear.  You know, the stuff that I should have been thinking about long before now…  My doc said that he is at the perfect traveling age (almost 3 months. sob!) so I’m not super worried about the actual baby, just all of the stuff that the baby needs! Mamas spill your secrets!

Ok now lets end this post on the highest note possible. Hold on to your ovaries!
