Oh hey friends!! Hope you had an awesome Easter/Spring Break weekend! Can we just have a heart to heart about a thing for 5 seconds? Darling bloggers, listen up.
If you are like everyone else that lives in 2016 your instagram feed was absolutely flooded with the TURN ON YOUR NOTIFICATIONS images this weekend.
Ok, seriously?!! When did we all join Chicken Little’s squad?
Is Instagram changing their algorithm? Yes. Is it the end of the world? No. Not if what you share is engaging content. But holy crap, by the mass hysteria you’d think that Instagram was out to actually destroy lives. Like there are only 5 spots in people’s feeds for the WHOLE WORLD TO SHARE.
So people see other people, successful people, posting these notification images. Panic ensues because if these successful people are turning on notifications for their stuff then 1. they know something you don’t, or 2. You have to jump on the wagon because if you don’t, yours wont stand a chance.
Lets just take a deep breath and look at this logically. Do we all know what turning on notifications means? It means they get an alert on their phone when you post. Do you really in all actuality want to interrupt people’s lives to show the world your feet on a cute tile floor? I can pretty much promise you that what I have to say is not important enough that I have to stop your life. In all reality I think people just didn’t stop and think about what that actually means. Rather quickly you’ll go from being people’s favorite to the top of their sh*t list for interrupting their life. I guess the whole point of this paragraph is to say stop the madness. That is all.
You are wonderful. People will still like you if you don’t hound them to death, they’ll see your stuff. Everything is going to be fine.
And in case you were wondering, yes I feel this strongly about herd mentality in your home. You can read all about that here. 😉
Now on to more serious business. The Bremlin and I are travelling cross country tomorrow! We’re flying to FL to tour the HGTV Dream House (pinch me!!) I’ve never travelled with a wee one and would love ALLLLL of your tips and advice. Things like travelling with breast milk, packing, baby gear. You know, the stuff that I should have been thinking about long before now… My doc said that he is at the perfect traveling age (almost 3 months. sob!) so I’m not super worried about the actual baby, just all of the stuff that the baby needs! Mamas spill your secrets!
Ok now lets end this post on the highest note possible. Hold on to your ovaries!