Today’s post is a continuation of yesterday’s State of the Blog survey stats. These are some of the most common questions or really fun ones!
What are people most surprised by when they meet you?
Easiest answer of my life. They are always surprised at how tall I am. (Apparently I come across as really short online? Not even sure how that happens…) I am 5’9 and very regularly wear tall shoes, especially if it’s at an event or conference or something fun like that. So basically when I walk into a room I am at least 6’ tall. That is hands down the first thing that 9 out of 10 people say.
How old are you? You look so young, but then it seems like you’re too young for those girls of yours! Maybe you just started early…..
I turn 31 in April (gah that is so freaky.) So I was pretty young when I had Ivie (20) but not like 16 and Pregnant young.
Are you done having kids?
Nope! Poor Court just wants a boy so we will probably try again and keep our fingers crossed. My girls are 5 1/2 years apart and I really love it. Dylan turns 5 this year so we might start trying again in a year or so depending on how we are feeling about it. I am in no hurry though. FYI if you see me and I am looking a little pudge, its this fun thing called blogger butt, and the only thing that I am about to give birth to is another post.
How much time a day do you spend on your blog? The writing part, not the actual project time …
I usually spend 1-2 hours writing the post (not including photography edits etc.) With everything that running the blog entails (email, social media, comments etc.) I probably spend 4-5 hours though out my day on the computer. On days when I am feeling really unfocused it goes higher because I am just clicking around and being unproductive (please tell me that I am not alone in this!) I spend the majority of my time writing and editing after the girls are in bed (which is why if you are a top o’ the morning reader you probably catch my spelling errors before I have a chance to re-edit in the morning!) Doing things that way gives me a bit of relief from the mom guilt, but there are totally days where the blog has to take over and the girls are pretty good to play and let me work. When the blog started it was 1000% hobby so justifying the time it took was a little bit difficult. Now it is a full time job (that I LOVE!) so I can justify the time it takes and just do the best that I can and not feel too bad.
Do you think there’s room in the world for another “lifestyle” type blogger, and what do you think it takes to be a successful blogger??
This is such a great question. I remember a few years ago when DIY blogging really took off and there was just so much amazing talent. I didnt feel like I could compete, and I sort of felt like with so many people shouting, how was anyone going to hear me? I had a chat with one of my favorite PR girls and she told me something that I just have to remember. No matter how much milk you add, the cream will always rise to the top.
I also think that everyone defines successful differently. There are so many blogs that have millions and millions of pageviews because they post projects that regularly go viral on Pinterest. But to me a pageview and a reader are completely different things. I would much rather have 100 readers that feel like I am their friend, than 10,000 click and go pinterest pageviews. But the pay off for me isnt money. The pay off is having the chance to inspire someone. Personally I think everyone should start a blog. I will teach you SO MUCH about yourself, the good and the bad. Even if 5 people read it, you never know how it might change their life. Sorry sort of rambling!
On a side note, I did get a lot of questions about blogging and growing a blog and everything that comes along with it. I am still trying to figure out a way to post about it. Maybe do a google hangout? I dont know. Stay tuned whilst I ponder!
You always seem so cheery, but I know your life has had some ups and downs, what are your down times like these days?
These questions are so good! You guys are like Diane Sawyer! My down times right now are usually because I dont feel like I am living up to my potential. I tend to focus on the things I want to do vs the things I have accomplished (not in a negative way though, more in a I want to experience everything way). I love a new challenge and when I feel like I am disconnected from the creative process I sort of shut down and just want to watch Vampire Diaries for a week. I dont worry about how things are going to work out, I just know that they will and it will be great! When I am really feeling down it is because I am suffering spiritually. Not taking enough time for perspective and meditation and stopping to feel grateful.
Do you ever worry you will run out of rooms to makeover or projects to do? I mean, you really found your style and your rooms are amazing so I feel like eventually, is there anything left to change?!
After I finish a really amazing project I always feel a little bit of the “Holy Crap! How am I ever going to top this?!” twinge. But if you ask me what my favorite project is, 9 times out of 10 it is one of the most recent ones (like the Himmeli Wreath. Obsessed!) which tells me that I am always changing. A really good brainstorm session with my MIL always gets things moving for me. She is like my design prune juice! If I run out of rooms in my house, I always have all of you guys, right?!
How do you do it ALL?
The most asked question was different variations of how do I do it all. Which is actually EXTREMELY hilarious. Like really. I dont even come close. You guys get to see pictures of my house at its best. And trust me when I say it has never looked like that again. There are project supplies everywhere. My kids eat Mac & Cheese WAY more than they should. If you knocked on my door right now do you know what you would see? Me. Completely unrecognizable from the made up stylish lady at the top of the blog. I am probably wearing pajama pants from Christmas circa 1998 and I would only open the door a crack so that you couldnt see the disaster behind me (and so that Wallace wouldnt run out and down the street) So now that you know what things are really like, let me answer this question.
I am naturally a busy person. I have a problem saying no because I want to experience everything and help everyone. I try to be a good mom but fail every single day in one way or another. I try and let my girls have as much freedom to grow as possible, so when it comes to clothes, toys, projects, etc. I just give them a little space and let them figure out what they like.
I am not a perfectionist. So while I do many things, I dont obsess over them (I think this is key to getting crap done.) When I hit a deadline or I am really close to it, my creative adrenaline kicks in and I go into overdrive (just ask some of my sponsors, they love it when I ask for 1 more day to change EVERYTHING.) I am extremely impulsive when it comes to creative decisions. I dont mull over them for days. If I want to try something I do it then. If it doesnt work out the way I want, then I go to the drawing board and troubleshoot. There is a lot of trial and error going on here…
I dont love to cook, so most of our meals are simple, or come from Durangos (the restaurant that Court’s family owns. Stop in and say hi to him, he loves being Mr. Vintage Revivals!) I think you just have to do what you can do and dont worry about the rest!
Now for a bit of spirituality. Avert your eyes if you dont love this kind of stuff! I know that the only reason that Vintage Revivals is as successful as it is, is because I was (and still am) willing to share my story of Court’s addiction with whoever takes the time to read it. It is not a coincidence that I unearthed this crazy hidden talent right before Court got sober. A few years ago when the blog was just starting to take off I was feeling super overwhelmed and inadequate. I called Court’s aunt because she is one of “those” people who always seems to stay on top of the things that she needs to do and gets a lot accomplished. After crying to her for a few minutes she told me something that has stuck with me. She had a blessing, and in it was told that every day she needed to say “Get thee behind me Satan”. I love that. Sorry man, but I have stuff I have to do so you are going to need to move.
I think it would be really fun to do a day in the life type post so you guys can see how things happen around here. I will add it to my list of upcoming posts.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
This is one of the hardest things to answer because I am in awe of where the last 3.5 have taken me and my family. Dreaming my heart out, my family would still be as healthy and adorable as ever. Career-wise I would love to have a show on HGTV or something similar. I really want to come to your houses and help overhaul spaces all day long. So the big reveal would be on the show and then I would blog the in depth tutorials for all of the projects. Lets be honest, House Hunters International needs to end. Anyone have a hook up?
Now for the fun announcements!
I have a weekly newsletter in the works. For those that are rolling your eyes about the whole follow through situation, dont worry, my right hand girl Jamie is putting it all together and I am just adding the sparkling personality. So it will be happening. One of the questions in the survey was “If you could ask me anything what would it be?” 1 or 2 of those questions will be appearing in each of the newsletters every week. I will be posting more about it in the next little bit, after we get all of the details finalized but it is going to be really interactive and very reader based. I am SO excited!!
Smaller Projects!! Dudes. I know that I need more of these happening. And I think I finally have it figured out. Would you believe that it is WAY harder for me to do a small project vs an entire room? Its so lame and so true.
The Epic Room Makeover Giveaway will be showing her glowing face in 2014! For those that are unaware the last 3 years (I took 2013 off to readjust the time frame) I have hosted the most epic of all contests. Anyone in the United States can enter to have me and a few of my DIYin’ friends come to your house for an entire week and overhaul a room of your choice! Completely freeeeee! I mean. Can you even imagine how much fun it is? We are working out all of the details right now but it is coming down the pipeline!
I hope you have an amazing weekend and I will see you on Monday! With a post! Because I am super prepared right now! Yay!!