Tag: anthro mirror

Amazing Acid Mirror


This is one of my favorite projects that I did for The Nate Show and I am so excited to be finally sharing it over here! You will need: A framed mirror (make sure the mirror isn’t older than 1980’s,

Silhouette-tastic Acid Mirror Giveaway


  *Giveaway Closed Don’t forget to enter the Epic Room Makeover Giveaway! Time is a tickin…… Hey everyone! Guess What? I am only 1/2 here today. That’s cause I am awesome enough to be guest posting over at I {Heart}

Faux Taxidermy Part 1


So we all are loving the antler/animal head trend right now right? I love it enough that I used antlers in my Christmas tree. This is taking it just a weeeeee bit further Since I am sort of famous for

Anthropologie Acid Mirror


There have been a few versions floating around blogland of how to make mirrors like this: This was my inspiration: The issue that I have with most of the tutorials are the mirrors are just completely gone in spots. Theres

Awesome-fied Desk and Mirrors


I hope that everybody had a chance to go and check out the Crafting With The Stars entries this round. They were in a word INSANE! Every.single.one of them. This was my entry: This is a little desk area in

Giveaway Day!


Ok so technically it still is Monday so I didnt break my promise. It was just postponed by an emergency dentist visit. I am SO SO SO excited!   So here are the rules. There are 3 entries per person #1.

I Know What To Giveaway!!


So last night it hit me at 3:00 in the morning,  I will get busy today and tomorrow and the giveaway will be open on monday! FYI: It may or may not be a knockoff of this $400 mirror from