Tag: mandi

When You Doubt Yourself


We all have moments when wonderful things are happening to us and everyone around us is telling us how lucky we are and how awesome we are, right? We also have moments when everyone it seems but us is having

Bloggers Day of Silence


This is one of my favorite quotes it can apply to every aspect of our lives. Whether our daunting task of the day is cleaning our kitchen or searching for a missing loved one we have a choice. “ Choose

Madonna and Nate Berkus!!


So, you guys know how I am not so good at keeping secrets right? I have a doozie to tell you. I am going on The Nate Berkus Show! I am flying from little ol’ St. George to New York!

How To Make A Rug.


So ya’ll know that sometimes I get these ideas. And these ideas kind of grow until they have a life of their own. And once they grow to that size there is just no stopping them. Such was the case

Studio 5 Tv Clip


Hey all! So I am going to be a slacker and not post the full tutorial for antlers until I get home….but here is my clip of the show today!!  

Help Me, Help You.


So I don’t have an awesome project today. I know I am lame. Ha ha ha I love that thing!!! Instead I have a few questions for you my faithful reader. I have had quite a few emails lately about

Trip Recap and Bloggers Take Over The City.


We survived the trip to Salt Lake!! There were no {accidents}. There was a new car purchased. There was enormous amounts of Just Dance 2 played (completely choreographed with my 2 sisters). There was a comment made that made everyone

Studio 5 Clip


Hey everyone! Here is the clip from Studio 5 today!!