And That’s Whats So Great About NEW YORK! Part 1

By Mandi 03/14/2011

So in this post I asked you to name that movie. They might say it in when Harry met Sally (which was the overall guess) but…. the movie that I was referring to was this one:


Of course cause that is pretty much the only movie I know by heart.

We got up at 4 am. Nice right. Our fight left at 7:00 MST and we arrived in NYC at 3:30 EST.

Our driver was waiting for us in baggage claim (which I didn’t get a picture of cause we were so excited to be in NYC!)


We went and checked in to the hotel and immediately went to the studio to work on some stuff.

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Then we went to dinner at Coppola’s. We all wanted to DIE. It was amazing.

Tuesday we were going to be out of the hotel at 10:00 which sooooo didn’t happen. We left around noon. Luckily for us we were right down the block from a subway station.

185962_10150152414264919_593219918_8071683_4736344_n   Court and Me

         189284_10150152414334919_593219918_8071684_3191481_n       Amy and Miranda



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We went site seeing.



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Memorial at Ground Zero

We went shopping in Soho. Which is indescribably amazing.


And then we went to times square


That night for dinner we went to a place that Emily (my producer and NYBFF) recommended called “Shake Shack” it was amazing.



And went to bed cause we had an early call time for The Nate Berkus Show!!

16 thoughts on “And That’s Whats So Great About NEW YORK! Part 1”

  1. That first picture takes me back – gotta have love for “Newsies”, I remember having that movie on VHS back in 8th grade and watching it till the tape was ruined then spending my allowance to buy a new one D:

    Love your blog!

  2. Huge “Newsies” fan here! Now I have that “Now is the time to cease the day” song in my head! Lovin’ all of these pics and can’t wait to see your next NYC post!

  3. I love when you mention Newsies. My fave quote, which I use often, “I say that you say…. is what I say” or ” Aw, you know, catchy woids like…maniac, corpse…let’s see..lovenest, nude…”

    I’ve been dying to do this on the stage (as I dabble in the theatrical) and I just found out that is doing the first EVER stage show!!! It’s absolutely thrilling!!!!

    Sorry – much to much excitement. But, thought you might like 🙂 Can’t wait to see you on Nate Berkus!

  4. I am so happy you went to Shake Shack. I wanted to recommend it to you as well, so I’m glad your friend did. I crave the Shake Stack (portobello stuffed with cheese and deep fried atop the hamburger patty). If you are still there, I would recommend Levain Bakery for a cookie OR Momofuku (corn cookie). I LOVE NYC!

  5. I could probably quote the entire script. I love Newsies.

    “how’d you sleep Jack?” “On me back, Mush.” “Haha! Hear that fellas? I asked Jack how he slept and he said ‘on me back, Mush!”

  6. I’M SOOOO JEALOUS! It totally reminds me of Europe. I LOVE Europe so I’m sure New YOrk would be just as fabulous!

  7. Yea see. I am a bit lame. I didnt do any of that stuff. Granted I went alone.

    BUT it looks like you had a great time and I cant wait to see you on the BIG SCREEN.

    You know I am rooting for you the whole way!

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  8. I love newsies you must be my age. We watched that over and over learning every song and line and drooling over the boys of course


  9. NEWSIES! I haven’t watched this for a “few” years, but heard the soundtrack somehow (how DID that get on my iTunes?!) and remembered all the lyrics… And maybe some of the dance moves.
    Loved your blog in the first place, and now I’m just obsessed!

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