DIY Platform Bed (In Just 3 Steps!)

You can build this DIY Platform Bed in literally 3 steps. Do you have a Saturday afternoon? Good, because you can make this bed and still have time for a leisurely stroll through Home Depot.
You can build this DIY Platform Bed in literally 3 steps. Do you have a Saturday afternoon? Good, because you can make this bed and still have time for a leisurely stroll through Home Depot.
You guys know that I love a good shelf build. Lately the obsession has been with floating shelves, but I got the idea the other day for one that I just had to try out! You’ll need: 1”x2”x8’ board
After years of regrettable plant killing mistakes, I finally feel like I’ve learned enough to keep them alive (the obvious reward for this situation is to buy more plants!!). Which means…(you know what this means right?) I need more planters.
The great question surrounding this room makeover is will she or wont she paint the brick. Like I mentioned in my Feel the Fear post, I decided to keep it dark. (It can always be changed up at a later
Happy #100reveal Thursday!! You guys. I have got the COOLEST project for you today. As I was brainstorming ideas for these fun GE reveal® light bulb projects my natural train of thought was obviously to do something cool with light.
Hey hey!! Lets chat about closets, shall we? Some are good, some are bad, most are completely boring. But guess what? Boring isn’t a word in our vocabulary any more alright? The closet in Ashy’s room is pretty huge. Not
Dudes! We are overhauling a 1972 Bell Travel Trailer! Follow the entire series from the beginning here! Huge thanks to The Home Depot for sponsoring this post! It seems that with the Nugget, even the most well intentioned projects have
Hey guys!! So Ashy’s room is in full swing and I am loving the way that it is turning out, but most importantly she is loving the way that it is turning out, which makes me love it even more!
Dudes! We are overhauling a 1972 Bell Travel Trailer! Follow the entire series from the beginning here! This Nugget project is sponsored by my friends at The Home Depot. I just need to say, that this project thus far on
Hey guys!! I have had this weird phenomenon happen. Working on the Nugget day and night has made me really appreciate normal home DIY. Like a lot. It seems like the more we use our creativity, the more we have,