Month: October 2010

Jacru Giveaway!


  One of my real life BF’s (yes I do have REAL friends…) Jamie makes the cutest stuff. This is Jamie! Dont you love her already??!?!?! Shes flipping awesome! (I made her send me this picture,  she resisted but finally

A Public Apology


What you see here on Vintage Revivals is the true me, usually unfiltered and definately not perfect. One of my wonderful followers Rhonda sent me an email and very nicely informed me that I had used the word retarded in

My Deepest Darkest Secret.


Thanks to everyone who played along with “Guess The Truth” yesterday. Unfortunatly none of you know me that well. So here are the answers. 1. When I was young I was a huge tomboy. The neighbor kid and I found


So I know that pretty much none of you were lucky enough to know my Grandma Folkerson but she said that all the time.! Lol I love that lady! My madre came to visit this weekend so I have

Wreath, Vintage Revivals style.


I want to be festive,  I really do. So this is my attempt today. I know that ya’llllll are just dying to know how I did this right? (not.) Anyways here’s the tut (pronounced toot,  as in short for Tutorial

Are you the winner?


Here are some clues to narrow down who the winner of the craptastic chair is. This lady (unfortunately for me) does not live in Southern Utah. She does however live in Northern Utah. Her name is Mandi (not that that



Whats up my homies? So I am having a bit of inner turmoil. I love me some decorating craziness right? Is it bad to want to paint EVERY room in my house something fierce? I know that I will LOVE