Month: March 2011

Bloggers Day of Silence


This is one of my favorite quotes it can apply to every aspect of our lives. Whether our daunting task of the day is cleaning our kitchen or searching for a missing loved one we have a choice. “ Choose

St Patty’s Day Toilet Suprise


Bwah haha  I know you had to click over with a title like that. I just had a little neighbor girl knock on my door and say “There is something in your yard.” and then she jumped on her bike

Meet My BBFF: Lara @ Less Cake More Frosting


This is Lara and her blog: We met during some late night tweeting. Are you sensing a pattern here? Then I told her that I would die without meeting her and so Lara and her fabulous coat came to our

Do You Love It?


So how are we all feeling about this color? I normally am not a purple fan. At all. But I kind of am obsessively thinking about this one. Input please.

Modern Bird Rocks My World.


I am soooo not motivated to unpack. So I think ya’ll will have to wait until Monday for my NYC recap. But incase you need a Mandilicious fix you can head over to Modern Bird Studios today and see my

New York Is…..


……….AMAZING!! Today we went to the Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, Ground Zero. SOHO!!! and Times Square. The food is insanity. And I am pretty much a Subway Ninja. I would post pics but I dropped my sisters camera and

T Minus 6 Hours And Counting….


EEEEEEEEEEE! It is 11:21 pm. We leave for the airport in exactly 5 hours. To go to New York for The Nate Berkus Show!!!! (I totally would put 87 exclamation points after that but you might consider me a wee

Meet My BBFF: Kimbo @ A Girl and A Glue Gun


This is Kimbo: This is Kimbo’s Blog: I am pretty sure that Kimbo emailed me a love letter. She might have asked me to marry her. I love love letters and hers was hilarious so you know that we had