
By Mandi 10/29/2012

I have started each of the tutorial posts for the Epic Room Makeover a thousand times and for some reason the words just arent coming out right. I am hoping that by sharing this post with you guys first, it will clear my head and I will be able to write.

The problem that I am having is that I miss these girls. To be completely honest, I was worried going into this contest a second time. The first time was hard. It was really really hard. When Kelsey won I was excited, she seemed normal enough,  she seemed like she wanted this really bad and that she was onboard for just about anything. You guys, Kelsey was a dream. Like if I could have dreamed up the perfect person to win this contest it would be her to a T.


The reason I am having such a hard time writing the tutorials is because it was never just a project. There are all these hilarious stories involved with every element of the room and I am having a hard time separating the 2 enough to get a clear tutorial! Is that crazy or what? Its true.


So I am still working out in my mind exactly HOW to share the tutorials and the stories without finishing each post with “Well, I guess you had to be there.”

So PLEASE bear with me. Do you guys have any suggestions for me? I am all ears!

Love Your Guts, Mandi

16 thoughts on “Issues!”

  1. So include the funny stories in the tutorials. When I come to your blog I don’t expect a rigid tutorial or anything…I love seeing the projects AND hearing your funny commentary or anecdotes. My advice would be to combine them all! 🙂

  2. If I had any suggestion at all it would be to take one bite at a time….don’t try to put it all in a couple post…tell us what happened as it happened. For ex….I am sure the trip out there was hilarious and worthy of it’s own post….then just tell us how it all unfolded cronologically….I am positive it will be fabulous how ever you tell us the story 😉 xoxo

  3. i like the stories too!

    ps speaking of issues… i have issues with your feed, is it just on my end or has anyone else told you about it? i use google reader and i was like i wonder when she is going to post about the epic room and then i went to your actual blog and there were like 5 posts i never saw, then a few days later i will get like 5-6 posts in my google reader that are old… it happens with 2 other blogs i follow too – weird!

  4. lol My opinion is completely different it seems. I would simply like to read about how the projects were actually created. I know you had an absolute blast but reading about how the paint spilled in between posts about how to’s seems too much. Maybe you could separate the two? A post of DIY bloopers maybe?

    1. I agree with the above suggestion. Two posts would be better. Two posts would give you the best of all worlds and for followers that want just the how-to, they won’t have to dig through the stories to find out how to make something (and vice-versa).

  5. I say share both but keep ’em se-pa-rate-ed. 🙂 Maybe the tutorial first, followed by the fun, more extra-detailed version next of each project. Or whatever, it’s your blog. 😉

  6. Just one step at a time, friend. Start with JUST the tutorials, and let the stories flow in and out.

    (But remember, sometimes it’s nice to keep to yourself all those inside jokes and things that don’t translate well into words. It’s almost more special that way.)

  7. Wow, I think everyone hit the mail on the head with keeping it a bit separate. Tutorials are important because it creates value for helping others know just how to pull something off themselves. The “funny” and “cumbyah” type stores can come in separate posts, which is good for getting 2 posts out of one experience. My advice would be next time to FILM VIDEOS 🙂

    Thrift Diving
    “….Because LIFE shouldn’t be financial suicide…”

  8. That just means you had a really great time!! That’s wonderful. FUN & DESIGN at the same time = PERFECT. 🙂 I look forward to seeing them all once you get them together.
    My Mod Style

  9. I’m with Melissa… Include the funny stories between the tutorials, but they must be separated…
    It will give us a better view of the work you’ve done, and not just a tutorial, but a side of you and what u love to do

  10. What? Do you secretely think we as readers don’t like to learn and laugh?
    Keep the hook with story and provide a pictorial as the tutorial. I think where it has to separate is in the description or’ how to’ aspect, not in the back story. For instance I had to cover an outdoor project because of unexpected rain. The real story was putting tarps over a 13′ travel trailer, but I wrote about the crazy rain soaked bathrobe I was wearing while initially I was simply getting ready for church and discovered my project was at risk of getting ruined by rain. Life is about learning with the occasional Erma Bombeck moment thrown in. Write what is real to you, not just and edited, condensed, sanitary version of life in your life. You had me hooked at: “I have started each of the tutorial posts for the Epic Room Makeover a thousand times and for some reason the words just arent coming out right. ” We all struggle, it is how we get past the struggle that is the real story in life. I say, write the story and see where the pictures come into it. In other words illustrate the story in your heart, don’t work so hard at illustrating the photos. You will know which photo has a story after you get the story typed out of what is stored in your heart.

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