Hey guys!! I have a story to tell you, but you have to promise that you wont get all judgy. Deal?
Every once in a while you find something while thrifting or Craigslisting that slips through your fingers, and no matter how badly you try, you just cant get over it. I haven’t had something like this happen since the couch, but I think I am through the grief cycle and can finally talk about it.
I was heading to pick up some stuff from a store on the other side of town for the Hoard Sale. As I was pulling out of my driveway, I had a nagging feeling to stop at the DI (the main thrift store in St. George that owns my heart and 25% of my life). I was like “Nagging Feeling (proper noun because it is a real thing), I’ll stop on the way back. I have to get to this store before they close.” The nagging feeling was all “Hmph, fine then. I guess you don’t trust me. You will regret this for the rest of your life.” and then it disappeared. In my defense, usually the nagging feeling that comes when I pull out of my driveway is telling me to go and get a Swig sugar cookie. I am used to telling it shush.
Like planned, I picked up my goods and stopped at the DI on the way home. I walked in, feeling pretty great about the way things were going. I had had a shower that day, the store was air conditioned, I was going to go and get a snow cone after. Just down right content, ya know? I dropped my phone in my bag and looked up.
Have you ever witnessed something that makes you feel like your uterus has fallen out? Just right there on the ground? Welp that’s what happened.
There in front of me was an adorable lady with her two teenage daughters waiting in the check out line.
Do you know what they had in their cart? (Of course you don’t because I haven’t been able to speak of it until today.)
In her cart was a perfect condition vintage hanging rattan chair. Super similar to this one my girls at A Beautiful Mess have:
The nice air conditioning that I had just praised, all of a sudden felt mighty cold as all of the blood was draining from my body.
Gulp. Think Mandi, THINK.
I couldn’t run up to her and beg for a chance to buy it. I couldn’t drop to my knees and wail in horror, all I could do was mentally pick my uterus back up and calmly walk past them….
…into the nearest clothing rack. (By into I mean intentionally, not like I ran into it. But I can see how one might think, that because of my current mental state we actually collided.)
I had to watch. Because I just wasn’t ready to say hello and goodbye that quickly.
The problem? The line was sort of long and in order for it to not get reeeeally uncomfortable I had to pretend that I cared about the men’s xxxl button up Bermuda shirts that I found myself in.
I just couldn’t stop staring. So I blindly moved, while I stared. Sometimes closer, sometimes further but I was not taking my eyes off that thing for a second. Our love story and what could have been flashed before my eyes. It would have been so perfect in Ivie’s room, with a cute pillow and serape blanket tucked in.
Phew. Keep it together girl.
Finally it was the cute lady’s turn to check out. By this time I had not so casually meandered over to the children’s clothes and was in earshot of the entire transaction.
I mean, I don’t know what I expected to have happen? That she would turn around and say “You haven’t blinked for the last 6 minutes, that is quite the feat. Here let me give you this chair to buy as a reward.”?! But.I.couldn’t.leave.
She paid for the chair, and my world darkened. I felt like Maleficent when she discovered that her wings had been cut off. (Pssst. such a good movie!) But alas, it was just not meant to be. I hope her daughters love that chair the way we would have loved it. Fully. Completely. Eternally.
I found out later that the chair had been at the store for 3 hours and it was marked at $20. *#$(&#.
Nagging voice 1 Mandi 0.